By submitting this form, you declare that you are the legal owner of the dog or cat listed herein, or their authorized representative, and that the animal is free of any parasites, healthy enough for the services rendered, and has not been exposed to any infectious diseases within 30 days of your service date. You also agree that any boarding dog is up to date on all required vaccines (including leptospirosis) and preventative care, including flea and tick and heartworm prevention.
You have acknowledged any and all risks associated with the services rendered by JK9 Pet Services, LLC and that if an emergency should occur that JK9 Services, LLC will be granted permission do whatever is deemed necessary for the health, safety, and well-being of your pet, including seeking professional medical treatment at the Owner's expense. JK9 Pet Services, LLC will attempt to contact the Owner and/or the provided Emergency Contract at least once prior to taking action.
You agree that any damages or injuries caused by your pet while under the care of JK9 Pet Services, LLC are the Owner's responsibility and JK9 Pet Services, LLC shall not be held responsible for any injuries or expenses incurred. You also agree to waive JK9 Pet Services, LLC from all liability or expenses, seen or unforeseen, that may occur as a result of services rendered.
You agree to pay your invoice and any outstanding balance owed when services are completed or in accordance with my cancelation policy. By boarding your dog(s) with JK9 Pet Services, LLC your dog(s) photos and videos will be used for marketing or advertising purposes.